Senin, 04 Juni 2012

Workshop 3 - MONTAGE IT!!! (Poster)


In this workshop I gained new experience about photo montage. At first, I have never heard the term “photo Montage”. However, after this workshop, I realized the importance of photomontage. From this workshop, I also learned how to make a model through my own Idea and concept. Lastly, this workshop also improve my Photoshop skill a lot.

Workshop 3 - MONTAGE IT!!! (Final)

The Model

This is my final model for the final week. For the photo montage, I have 3 pictures. Those are interior montages and 2 exterior montages (night time and day time). For the landscape, I found it from Google, because I think it works much better than my own photo landscape. Lastly, I am using my friend’s silhouette inside the model.

3 Photo Montage

Interior Montage

Exterior Montage (Night Time)

Exterior Montage (Day Time)

Workshop 3 - MONTAGE IT!!! (second draft using our photo for the landscape)

The Model

I have tried to improve my model. I made a new piano model and added a table for the artist to read a book. I also put some book models inside the cupboard. This is also my final model for this workshop.

Second Draft

Day time

The landscape is my original photo when I am travelling to China. I am trying to use filter application in Photoshop and putting some birds and human vector to make the image more alive.

Night time

The landscape is my original photograph. This is a photo taken from Hyde Park in Sydney. I have tried to make my model like some part of tree to interpret my concept, however due to the limitation of my Photoshop skill, I think the image did not blend in the landscape.

Workshop 3 - MONTAGE IT!!! (The first model and first attempt)

The Model

This is a model studio for classical musician (such as : Beethoven or Mozart). Basically, the concept behind this model is flowing and moving like music that keeps moving all the time. I have tried to make some abstract flowing motif to the wall to represent the concept of the studio. For this model, I am using balsa wood and transparent sheet. I think this model is not finish yet so I tried to add some parts in the model.

First attempt using photoshop

The model and the landscape blend pretty well, but the landscape is too bright and the model is like floating. The back part looks like it did not touch the ground. Also I still have to continue to develop this image because it is not finished yet.

The model and the landscape did not work at all. The model is like putted in a wrong place.

Workshop 2 - MODEL IT!!! (Poster)

Reflection :

In this workshop, I have learned a lot of new experiences for making a model. I learned about cutting some materials in many different techniques. I have also learned about using varying thicknesses and which type of the material give better interpretation of the model. Besides, the technique on taking a photo of the model is also important to make the model become more interesting.

Workshop 2 - MODEL IT!!! (Fisher house model)

Final Model

This is my fisher house (by Louis Kahn) model. The scale is 1:50, for this model i am only using balsa wood with varying thicknesses.

This is the interior view of the model

This is the exterior view of the model

Process of creating the model

Workshop 2 - MODEL IT!!! (Fisher house site model)

Final Site Model and Fisher House Model

This is the site model of fisher house (1:200) with the fisher house model (1:200). I am using balsa wood for the fisher house model and for the site model i am using boxboard instead of balsa wood, because i think the texture of boxboard works better than balsa wood for the site model. For the tree i am using very thin wire.

Fisher House Model (1:200)

Site Model (1:200)